Original Founders

Summer Impact began when two high school students, Jack Mooney and Ryan Schultz, were planning their summers of 2017.  They both wanted to volunteer but had job and sports commitments that didn't allow for a consistent weekly commitment.  The idea of a model that allowed for flexible volunteer opportunities within their own community was developed and eventually became Summer Impact, LLC.


Jack mooney


Jack is a junior at Orchard Lake St. Mary's high school.  His responsibilites at Summer Impact include organizing and recruiting the weekly volunteers as well as meeting with the Partner charities administrators to identify their needs.  Jack is also responsible for updating the Summer Impact website and monitoring the email.



Ryan schultz


Ryan is a junior at Birmingham Brother Rice high school.  His responsibilites at Summer Impact include organizing and recruiting the weekly volunteers as well as meeting with the Partner charities administrators to identify their needs.  Ryan is also responsible for developing and maintaining the social media accounts of Summer Impact.